Why choose single piece cesium potassium fireproof glass

2020-10-15 2229

Compared with traditional grouting fire-proof glass, single piece cesium potassium fire-proof glass has high weather resistance in addition to high strength and easy installation! In addition to bubbles in the production process, the chemical grouting fireproof glass quickly turns milky white under the action of ultraviolet radiation and flame, losing the basic function of glass permeability, so it is impossible to observe the fire situation! Single piece cesium potassium fireproof glass remains transparent under the action of ultraviolet light and flame without any change!

As a new building fire protection product, fireproof glass is adopted by more and more buildings, but there is no special specification and standard for the design and inspection of this kind of products. The author believes that the following three aspects should be paid attention to in the design:

1. The application of fire-proof glass to the design of curtain wall and partition is not to simply change the non fire-resistant materials used in curtain wall or partition to fire-resistant materials, nor is it all right to replace ordinary glass with fire-proof glass, but to consider it as a fire-proof system.


2. The fire resistance rating of fireproof glass curtain wall and partition can only be determined by comprehensively considering the fire resistance rating of various factors of the whole system. It may be wrong to speculate subjectively, and it needs to be determined by testing when necessary.

3. When selecting fire-proof glass in the design, the corresponding relationship between the size of main glass plates and fire resistance rating is required.

Article source: fireproof glass http://www.huhaiming.com/